
retrievebot [under constant development]

Asset Information Collecting and Quering.

  This tool was developed from the kali platform and used only for education purpose or authorized situations.
  Any illegal use has nothing to do with the author.


./retrievebot -h
[*] RetrieveBot - A Tool of Asset Information Collecting
[*] There're two modes for this tool:
[*]     -s mode:quering for single target.
[*]     -m mode:quering for multiple targets and the param needs to be a file.
[*] Functionality:
[*]     -h:help messages.
[*]     -i:quering ip infomation.
[*]     -d:quering domain name's ip resolving infomation.
[*]     -p:quering port information.
[*]     -c:quering subdomain information.
[*]     -w:quering whois information of ip or domain name.
[*]     -t:quering whatweb information of ip or domain name.
[*]     -r:quering subdirs information of url.
[*]     -l:crawling words and email addresses of url.
[*]     -e:requesting domain name through HTTP&HTTPS [WORKING IN -m MODE].

./retrievebot -s
[*] Usage : /usr/bin/retrievebot -s -Functionality(-i,-d,-p,-c,-w,-t,-r,-l) -h

./retrievebot -m
[*] Usage : /usr/bin/retrievebot -m -Functionality(-i,-d,-p,-c,-w,-t,-r,-l,-e) -h

./retrievebot -s -i
[*] Single ip info script
[*] Usage : /usr/bin/retrievebot -s -i <ip>

./retrievebot -m -i
[*] Multi ip info script
[*] Usage : /usr/bin/retrievebot -m -i <file name of ips>

./retrievebot -m -e
[*] Multi domain request script
[*] Usage : /usr/bin/retrievebot -m -e <file name of domains>


a).proxychains + nmap result in segmentation fault:   
1.export http_proxy and https_proxy   
2.use proxychains-ng   
sudo apt-get install git gcc   
sudo apt-get remove proxychains   
git clone https://github.com/rofl0r/proxychains-ng.git   
cd proxychains-ng/   
./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc   
sudo make install   
sudo make install-config   

b).dirb use export http_proxy result in error - unsupported socks:   
1.use proxychains or proxychains-ng